Quest:Rescuing Eluna: Scout-warrior Sortie

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Rescuing Eluna: Scout-warrior Sortie
Level 10
Type Solo
Starts with Marget
Starts at Eastern Old South Road
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [56.0S, 24.5W]
Ends with Marget
Ends at Eastern Old South Road
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [56.0S, 24.5W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Adventurer! You always seem to find me just after the fun ends.'

She motions to the unconscious Dunlendings at her feet.

'Draig-lûth. These louts were searching for Eluna. Murig and I agreed to a simple plan: He searches for Eluna while I distract the search party by clobbering them. I took out a few, but these warriors are more fearsome than the beasts of Bloodhollow.'

She covers what is clearly a serious wound.

'It's nothing, <name>. A little pressure and one of Deryn's salves will keep me with the living.

'Go fight in my stead. They'll find Murig unless you give them someone else to worry about.'


Marget needs you to fight some enemies in her stead.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Draig-lûth warriors (0/8)

A group of Draig-lûth warriors is searching for Murig and Eluna.

Defeat Draig-lûth warriors.

Defeated Draig-lûth warriors (8/8)

Objective 2

You have stirred up plenty of trouble for the Draig-lûth pursuers.

Return to Marget.

Marget: 'Remind me to thank Deryn the next time I see him. This salve works wonders. Also remind me to slap him in the face because this salve stings worse than a sickle-fly.'
Marget appears to be in better condition than when you last spoke.