Quest:Reach of the White Hand

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Reach of the White Hand
Level 49
Type Solo
Starts with Ladenthir
Starts at Echad Eregion
Start Region Eregion
Map Ref [46.9S, 12.5W]
Ends with Palanaer
Ends at Echad Dúnann
End Region Eregion
Map Ref [50.5S, 8.1W]
Quest Group Eregion
Quest Chain The Ruins of Barad Morlas
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, my friend, you have done a great service for the Elves, and I would ask one more favour of you. Go to Echad Dúnann and speak with Palanaer. He should know of Saruman's encroachment upon the ruins of Eregion.

'Echad Dúnann lies to the south-east, not far from the gates of Moria called the Doors of Durin. Go, and may the stars shine upon your road.'


Ladenthir does not know how far the reach of Saruman has gone, but his touch has been felt in Eregion.

Objective 1

Palanaer is at Echad Dúnann, south-east of Echad Eregion.

Ladenthir has asked you to bear news of Saruman's encroachment upon Eregion to Palanaer, another of the scouts of Rivendell.

Ladenthir: 'Go now to Echad Dúnann...Palanaer should know of Saruman's encroachment.'
Palanaer: 'Welcome, <name>. You bring word from Ladenthir? It troubles me that Saruman's forces have moved so far north, and that he dares to despoil the ancient ruins of our kinsmen.
'Though your news is dire, I thank you for it, for it will allow us to prepare a defence.'