Quest:More Holly-leaf Tea

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More Holly-leaf Tea
Level 48
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Celebrandir
Starts at Gwingris
Start Region Eregion
Map Ref [40.0S, 16.0W]
Quest Group Eregion
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The tea from the leaves you brought me was exquisite <name>. Unfortunately I've used them up and won't be able to make any more without a fresh supply.

'If you would venture out again and collect more of the leaves, I would gladly make you another batch of tea.'


Celebrandir in Gwingris has offered to make you more holly-leaf tea if you bring him enough leaves.

Objective 1

Holly leaves can be found at the bases of holly-trees in Pend Eregion.

You should gather more holly leaves and bring them to Celebrandir in Gwingris.

Celebrandir: 'Gather more holly leaves, <name>, and I will make more of that tea for you.
'You should speak with me again when you've gathered enough.'

Celebrandir: 'These leaves look perfect, <name>. I look forward to sharing another brew with you.'