Quest:Holly-leaf Tea

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Holly-leaf Tea
Level 48
Type Solo
Starts with Green Holly Tree Branch
Starts at Glâd Ereg
Ends with Celebrandir
Ends at Gwingris
End Region Eregion
Map Ref [40.0S, 16.0W]
Quest Group Eregion
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

This branch is covered in aromatic holly-leaves. You have heard that the Elves can brew fine teas from the leaves of many different trees. Perhaps one of the Elves in Gwingris can brew something from these holly-leaves if you gather more?


While holly-berries are generally considered to be poisonous, holly-leaves are often used in the brewing of tea.

Objective 1

Holly-trees can be found throughout Glâd Ereg. Celebrandir is encamped at Gwingris in the northern reaches of Glâd Ereg.

You should gather more holly-leaves and bring them to the Elf Celebrandir.

Celebrandir: 'What is this that you have brought me, <name>? Ah, holly-leaves. In can indeed brew a fine tea from these if you bring me more.'

Objective 2

Holly-trees can be found throughout Glâd Ereg. Celebrandir is encamped at Gwingris in the northern reaches of Glâd Ereg.

You should gather more holly-leaves and bring them to the Elf Celebrandir.

Celebrandir: 'What is this that you have brought me, <name>? Ah, holly-leaves. In can indeed brew a fine tea from these.'