Quest:Messages of the Enemy

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Messages of the Enemy
Level 133
Type Solo
Starts with Enemy Correspondence
Starts at Vatug-ronk, the Groaning Pit
Start Region Deepscrave
Ends with Féli
Ends at Aslíf
End Region Deepscrave
Map Ref [50.2S, 117.2W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Deepscrave
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The bat-riders in Vatug-ronk seem to be carrying important correspondence between captains in Gorgar's army. While the plans being laid out in these letters are minor, this knowledge could help the Gabil'akkâ.


The bat-riders in Vatug-ronk seem to be carrying important correspondence between captains in Gorgar's army.

Objective 1

  • Collect enemy correspondence (0/5)

The bat-riders in Vatug-ronk seem to be carrying important correspondence between captains in Gorgar's army.

You should defeat bat-riders in the area to intercept their messages.

Collected enemy correspondence (5/5)

Objective 2

You have collected a sizeable amount of enemy correspondence.

Féli will know what to do with your findings. He can be found in Aslíf on the upper tier of Deepscrave.

Féli: 'An excellent find, <name>. We'll be better equipped to sabotage the Orcs' efforts with our own plans now.'