Quest:Drakes' Cradle

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Drakes' Cradle
Level 133
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Kordh Gúrat
Start Region Deepscrave
Map Ref [51.1S, 118.3W]
Ends with Remote Advance
End Region Deepscrave
Quest Group Gundabad: Deepscrave
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The drakelings have just been nuisances so far, but leaving their nest unchecked could lead to trouble in the future. Destroying the eggs would keep the drakelings from becoming a threat.


The drakelings in Kordh Gúrat have just been nuisances so far, but leaving their nest unchecked could lead to trouble.

Objective 1

  • Destroy drake eggs (0/6)

Destroying the drake eggs at Kordh Gúrat would keep the drakelings from becoming a threat.

Destroyed drake eggs (6/6)
You have destroyed many of the drake eggs at Kordh Gúrat. The Gabil'akkâ can keep their focus on the true threats that they face in Deepscrave.