Quest:Making the Rounds at Tadrent

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Making the Rounds at Tadrent
Level 142
Type Solo
Starts with Guard Osbenn
Starts at Tadrent
Start Region Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [74.1S, 62.4W]
Ends with Guard Osbenn
Ends at Tadrent
End Region Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [74.1S, 62.4W]
Quest Group The Havens of Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You look like a reliable sort. Can I ask you to make my rounds for me? I am just exhausted.

'You see, villagers reported hearing a howling in the hills, and I have spent all day tracking down the source of it... but I have nothing to show for it except my weary, aching bones. If you will leave Tadrent by the northern entrance and then circle around the town to the left, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious, you will be doing me a favour.'


Osbenn, an exhausted guard at Tadrent, has asked you to make his rounds for him.

Objective 1

  • Leave Tadrent by the northern entrance and circle around the town to the left

Osbenn asked you to leave Tadrent by the northern entrance and circle the town to the left.

This location marks the start of Osbenn's rounds; or it would, if he were making them

Objective 2

You have have begun making Osbenn's rounds for him, and should continue to circle the town of Tadrent on his behalf.

This is the halfway point of Osbenn's rounds, which he is not making

Objective 3

  • Continue circling the town of Tadrent for Guard Osbenn

You have reached the halfway point of Osbenn's rounds, and should continue to circle the town of Tadrent on his behalf.

If Osbenn were here, he would see the Corsair corpse in the grass. Instead... you do

Objective 4

While making his rounds for Guard Osbenn, you have found the corpse of a Corsair.

With a ferocious growl, a deadly warg leaps to attack!
You defeated the deadly stray warg, ensuring it cannot endanger Tadrent

Objective 5

Guard Osbenn is in the centre of Tadrent, in King's Gondor.

Guard Osbenn: 'A dead Corsair? And a deadly warg? I am tired just thinking about the adventure I narrowly avoided, <name>!
'Thank you for helping me with this, and for defeating the warg for which I spent most of the day searching! All's well that ends well, I suppose.'