Quest:Letters of the Enemy

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Letters of the Enemy
Level 98
Type Solo
Starts with Corsair
Starts at Nendath
Start Region Havens of Belfalas
Map Ref [75.2S, 61.5W]
Ends with Bruidis
Ends at Tadrent
End Region Havens of Belfalas
Map Ref [74.4S, 62.7W]
Quest Chain Tadrent
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Collecting orders from fallen corsairs may give more insight as to what the corsair captain of Makham Mijann is planning.

The first corsair order reads as followed:

'You are ordered to ambush passing carts for supplies. Bring the supplies to the river for shipment downstream. Do not, I repeat do not enter Tadrent. A confrontation would cost us more time than we can afford. We will put Tadrent to the sword once this business is done.'

Captain Tabadam


Collecting orders from fallen corsairs may give more insight as to what the corsair captain of Makham Mijann is planning.

Objective 1

  • Collect Corsair Orders (0/8)

Corsair orders can be found on the bodies of corsair footmen throughout Belfalas.

Collecting orders from fallen corsairs may give more insight as to what Captain Tabadam of Makham Mijann is planning.

Objective 2

Bruidis can be found in the village of Tadrent.

You should bring the corsair orders to Bruidis so that she can look through the information you've gathered.

Bruidis: 'Wonderful work, <name>. These corsair orders look to have all the information we need.'
Bruidis ruffles through the orders, reading them intently.
'If I am to understand this correctly, they are stealing supplies and re-routing them to Edhellond. Why, that is the abandoned Elf port, not dissimilar to the Grey Havens many a traveller has spoken fondly of.
'There is much to do. We must act swiftly!'