Quest:Into the Woods (Tadrent)

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Into the Woods (Tadrent)
Level 98
Type Solo
Starts with Haelam
Starts at Tadrent
Start Region Havens of Belfalas
Map Ref [74.3S, 62.7W]
Ends with Haelam
Ends at Tadrent
End Region Havens of Belfalas
Map Ref [74.3S, 62.7W]
Quest Chain Tadrent
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'These crates are falling apart and we very much need some new ones. Just before you arrived I sent a couple of my workers up to the forest to fetch some wood. The troubling thing is that they haven't returned. Most likely, they took the day off!

'Could you go up to the forest and find them, <name>? While you're at it, bring back some wood and tell those two they don't work for me any more!'


Haelam is short-handed and could use some help tracking down his workers up in the woods.

Objective 1

  • Search for the missing workers

The workers can be found in the forest south of Tadrent, in the foothills of the Emyn Ernil, above the beacon Nendath.

You should find the workers there and help them finish their task.

Looks like Corsairs got to the workers first

Objective 2

  • Collect wood (0/9)
  • Examine one of the bodies

The worker's campsite can be found in the forest south of Tadrent, in the foothills of the Emyn Ernil, above the beacon Nendath.

You should examine a body and collect wood for Haelam.

This is indeed one of Haelam's workers

Objective 3

Haelam is located in the village of Tadrent.

Bring the wood back to Haelam in the village of Tadrent

Haelam: 'Dead?! These Corsairs are ruining everything! This will be the end of my business!'
Haelam calms down a little.
'While you're here, could you finish the job you started and make me a couple of new crates?'

Objective 4

  • Build crates (0/2)

The workbench is located near Haelam in Tadrent.

Use the workbench to build crates for Haelam.

Objective 5

  • Speak with Haelam

Haelam is located in the village of Tadrent.

Speak with Haelam.

Haelam: 'Decent workmanship, for an adventurer. Now, shouldn't you be out there taking care of those Corsairs?'