Quest:Jajax's Revenge

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Jajax's Revenge
Level 98
Type Solo
Starts with Jajax
Starts at Lamedon
Start Region Lamedon
Map Ref [69.7S, 58.3W]
Quest Group Western Gondor: Lamedon
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Here we are, as you see. Look at them! They did not deserve such a death for their loyalty to me. Hebil will pay, <name>.

'Here is his banner. He waits for my summons.'


Hebil has punished Jajax for allying himself with you in the most horrible way Jajax could ever imagine.

Objective 1

Hebil's banner is at the massacre site in southern Lamedon.

You should use the battle-horn on the banner to call Hebil to battle.

NOTE: Use the whistle to summon Jajax if you become separated.

Jajax: 'Here we are, as you see. Look at them! They did not deserve such a death for their loyalty to me. Hebil will pay, <name>.
'Here is his banner. He waits for my summons.'
Hebil says, "I knew you would not be able to resist sweet revenge, Jajax."
Hebil says, "Look closely at your men. This is what becomes of Corsairs who forsake the Way."
Hebil says, "Now you and your little outsider friend will die with them!"
Hebil says, "I have sent words to the other captains of your betrayal, Jajax."
Hebil says, "They will come for you. If I fail to kill you, they will not. You and your outsider friend!"
You have defeated Hebil, avenging the murdered Corsairs loyal to Jajax

Objective 2

Jajax is at the site of Hebil's massacre.

You should speak with Jajax.

NOTE: Use the whistle to summon Jajax if you become separated.

Jajax: 'I thank you for that, <name>. You are a worthy <race>, worthy even of being a Corsair. There is honour in how you choose to live your life.
'Now I must mourn for my poor men. A moment of silence, if you please.'

Objective 3

  • Mourn Jajax's fallen allies

The site of the massacre is south-west of Calembel.

You should mourn Jajax's men at the site of the massacre.

You have mourned Jajax's fallen allies

Objective 4

  • Say farewell to Jajax

Jajax stands at the site of the Corsairs' massacre, in southern Lamedon.

You should say farewell to Jajax.

Jajax: 'Thank you, <name>. You have more honour than any Corsair I have ever met, and the spirit of a fine warrior.
'Be wary when you travel further, friend, especially in Belfalas. If Hebil spoke true, there are three other captains who will seek to hunt us down for treason. That is, if I do not hunt them first! I will bury my men, and then I will go to Belfalas. Perhaps I will see you there, eh?'