Quest:Home Awaits

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Home Awaits
Level 98
Type Solo
Starts with Laindir
Starts at Calembel
Start Region Lamedon
Map Ref [67.1S, 55.9W]
Ends with Laindir
Ends at Calembel
End Region Lamedon
Map Ref [67.1S, 55.9W]
Quest Chain Calembel
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I will let you have the pleasure of telling these refugees that they can return to their homes, since you were the one to enable this happy turn of events.

'You can find the folk of Lothgobel throughout Calembel. They will be glad to know that the Corsair threat has been dealt with...though they might need some convincing. They are very frightened, you see.'


The refugees of Lothgobel are in Calembel, and should return to their home now that it is safe from the Corsairs.

Objective 1

  • Tell refugees that Lothgobel is now safe from Corsairs (0/6)

Refugees from Lothgobel can be found around Calembel.

You should tell the refugees that it is safe for them to return, for the Corsairs have pulled out.

Lothgobel Refugee says, "Good...I cannot wait to return home."
Lothgobel Refugee says, "So it is safe to return?"
Lothgobel Refugee says, "What would this world come to without people like you to help us?"
Lothgobel Refugee says, "Thank heavens, we can finally go back!"
Lothgobel Refugee says, "I am so glad the Corsairs have vowed to leave us alone!"
Lothgobel Refugee says, "Good...I cannot wait to return home."
You have delivered good news to Lothgobel refugees (6/6)

Objective 2

Laindir is in Calembel.

You should return to Laindir to tell him the refugees have been informed of the good news.

Laindir: 'Excellent! Thank you, <name>. They will be happy to be in their own beds and at their own hearths again. You have done a great service to the peoples of Lamedon.'