Quest:Introduction: Central Gondor

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Introduction: Central Gondor
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Dol Amroth
Ends with Candúr
Ends at Ethring
End Region Ringló Vale
Map Ref [72.0S, 50.2W]
Quest Group Central Gondor
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You have been summoned to Dol Amroth by Lothíriel, who seeks your aid in defending the lands of Central Gondor.

You should meet Lothíriel in the Great Hall of the Prince in Dol Amroth.


You have been summoned by Lothíriel in Dol Amroth, for Central Gondor is in need of your aid.

Objective 1

Lothíriel can be found in the Great Hall of the Prince in Dol Amroth.

You have been summoned to Dol Amroth by Lothíriel, who seeks your aid once more.

Lothíriel: 'It is good to see you again, <name>. Thank you for coming to my aid once more.
'I grow concerned for the lands to the east... the lands of Ringló Vale, Dor-en-Ernil, and Lebennin. Word has spread of war come to the shores in the east, and what folk remained behind are now beset by foes on all sides.
'I would ask that you travel through Lamedon to the Ringló Vale. There you will find the settlement of Ethring, and I am certain the people there would benefit much from your presence, as we already have.'

Objective 2

Ethring can be found in the Ringló Vale to the south-east of Lamedon.

Lothíriel has asked you to travel into Central Gondor and aid the people of Ringló Vale, Dor-en-Ernil, and Lebennin.

Candúr: 'You look as if you have travelled long this day, <class>. I hope your wits are still about you.
'I have heard of you valour in the west, but dark times have come to our lands. We awoke to a dawn-less day, and found ourselves overrun by foes.
'If you seek to aid us at the Lady's command, you both have chosen a fortuitous time.'