Quest:Intrepid Hope

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Intrepid Hope
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Grúshul
Starts at Kafagur
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [0.4N, 134.9W]
Ends with Shúkurz
End Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [0.6N, 135.2W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'No matter how much I'd like to send more guards after Shúkurz, it'd only make things worse with that Man. But you're different; I'm sure he's the kind who'd trust you over an Orc.

'It won't be hard for you to track down Shúkurz. See that trail of footprints, leading out of the village? Heh, I bet he was a lousy scout in Gundabad.'


Shúkurz has abandoned all caution to try and reason with a strange Man.

Objective 1

  • Follow the trail of footprints out of Kafagur

Shúkurz has left behind a trail of footprints leading out of the northern side of Kafagur. You should follow it.

The trail continues north out of Kafagur
Upon noticing you, Phocas looks down in shame

Objective 2

You have found Shúkurz and Phocas outside Kafagur, near the northern side. You should talk to Phocas.

Phocas: 'I am sorry, <class>; I followed you from Mâr Naphra to find Kafagur. I had believed that it was a camp full of dangerous Orcs. Clearly, I was mistaken, and this investigation was faulty from the start.
'It's true that I am not from Umbar, but rather, Gondor. I... do not know if I can tell you what led me here, but you have my word: I will not harm the Orcs.
'Whether they believe me is another matter entirely. Though, after I judged them so rashly, I do not know if I deserve that trust.'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Shúkurz

You have found Shúkurz and Phocas outside Kafagur, near the northern side. You should talk to Shúkurz.

Shúkurz: 'Phocas doesn't seem like the bad sort. After all, he was willing to stop running long enough to listen to me. I'm sure we'll figure things out.
'I've got more I want to tell you, but I ought to take Phocas back to Kafagur first. I'll see you there.'

Objective 4

  • Talk to Shúkurz in Kafagur

Shúkurz has asked you to talk to him back in Kafagur.

Shúkurz: 'Thanks for making sure I was all right, <name>. Grúshul's right; I acted like a fool. Even during our journey out of Gundabad, we stuck to the wilds because we knew Men would kill us if they saw us. I should have been scared of Phocas.
'But... I remembered how we got out of Gundabad in the first place. With your help, and the help of others. I remembered Náin, and how he apologized to me.
'I guess I wanted to believe that sort of thing could happen again. Maybe it can.'