Quest:Instance: Munfaeril's Warning

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Instance: Munfaeril's Warning
Level 71
Type Solo
Starts with Munfaeril
Starts at Munfaeril's Shrine
Start Region Dunland
Map Ref [83.8S, 16.7W]
Ends with Nevid
Ends at Barnavon
End Region Dunland
Quest Group Dunland: Carreglyn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

"Madin's grandfather was a good man, giving succour to the People of the Boar when the Draig-lûth nearly destroyed them. Madin and his son Nevid, however, have fallen to evil ways, and I cannot, as a servant of the Huntsman, allow this travesty to continue...."


Munfaeril has asked you to take a warning to Madin, Brenin of Barnavon.

Objective 1

Deliver Munfaeril's warning to Madin Brenin in Barnavon.

Madin Brenin: 'Ha! You dare threaten the Brenin of Barnavon? I have the protection of Saruman the have no authority here.
'Oh-ho! You present me with the Sigil of the Uch-gwirod and expect me to believe the spirit herself sent you? How do I know you did not steal it from the shrine? For that alone you should die.
'Indeed, your interference and blasphemy will not be brooked, Duvodiad. Prepare to join the spirits. Guards!'

Objective 2

  • Defeat Madin Brenin and his guards

Defeat Madin Brenin and his guards.

Madin Brenin shouts, 'Nevid, kill the duvodiad!'
Nevid shouts, At once, father!'
Nevid says, "For Saruman!"
Madin Brenin shouts, 'Guards, what are you waiting for!'
Ox-clan Guard says, "Your kind is not welcome here, Duvodiad!"
Ox-clan Hunter says, "Curse you, Elf!"
Nevid shouts, 'I yield!'
Madin Brenin says, 'My son is a fool...I will deal with you myself!'
Madin Brenin says, "For Saruman!"
Madin Brenin says, "!"
Nevid shouts, "Enough! Stop this foolishness!"
Nevid: 'Murderer! Begone from this place and never return, else you will be killed.'