Bestowal Dialogue
Messages from Lórien
"Messages have come from Lothlórien, messages that cannot be ignored. My sons have returned from the Wild, and together they and a hero of Eriador must respond to these tidings with decisive action..."
You have come to Imladris in response to an urgent summons from Master Elrond.
Objective 1
Pethelen is in the main hall of the House of Elrond.
You have entered the House of Elrond with Pethelen, and he is waiting to speak with you.
- Elf of Rivendell: 'What urgent matter could have brought the Sons of Elrond back from the wild?'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'Elrohir and Elladan have returned from Thorenhad.'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'Messages arrived from Lothlórien, but I do not know what they contained.'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'Lady Galadriel of Lórien sent messages to Imladris. What can be the matter?'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'All of Imladris is buzzing with questions. What word came from Lórien?'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'Messages from Lórien have been few. What has brought these latest?'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'Lady Arwen has been crafting something in secret for the Dúnadan.'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'Did you know that Galadriel of Lórien is our Arwen's mother's mother?'
- Pethelen: 'Very good, <name>. Perhaps now we will have an answer for why this haste is necessary.
- 'Is that Elladan? It is! Perhaps he will have some answers for us.'
Objective 2
Pethelen is in the main hall of the House of Elrond.
You have entered the House of Elrond with Pethelen, and he is waiting to speak with you.
- Pethelen says, "Elladan, you have returned from your camp in the wild?"
- Elladan says, "Indeed. The promise of war has brought my brother and me back to the house of our father."
- Pethelen says, "War? Not here in Imladris!"
- Elladan says, "No, Pethelen, not yet. My brother and I ride to war in the south."
- Elladan says, "<name>, this concerns you as well. My father waits for us in the Hall of Fire."
Objective 3
Master Elrond is waiting for you in the Hall of Fire, inside the Last Homely House.
- Pethelen: 'Unless it is forbidden, be sure to tell me what is going on, <name>! Now, hurry into the Hall of Fire to speak with Master Elrond!'
Objective 4
Master Elrond is in the Hall of Fire inside his house in Rivendell, waiting to speak with you.
- Elf of Rivendell: 'What can be done when the future is so uncertain?'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'It seems every day brings with it new mysteries.'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'The hobbit Bilbo Baggins was sleeping here a few moments ago.'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'I believe Bilbo has retired to his room.'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'Lord Elrond and his sons have much to discuss, it seems.'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'The Hall of Fire is many things, but today it is a place for contemplation.'
- Elrond: 'I am pleased you received my summons, <name>. I apologize for being so close as to the reason for its urgency, but there are dangers on the road, and I did not wish any information that might do us harm to fall into the hands of evil Men.
- 'Two days ago, courier-hawks arrived in Rivendell bearing messages from Lórien. The messages were short, but even in their brevity they caused me pause.
- 'The messages are from the Lady Galadriel. I understand some of their meaning, but I can only guess at the full import of her words.'
Objective 5
Master Elrond is in the Hall of Fire inside his house in Rivendell, waiting to speak with you.
- Lord Elrond says, "You know of the secret company that set forth from Imladris in December, <name>?"
- Lord Elrond says, "We know they stayed for a time in Lothlórien, healing from their hurts."
- Lord Elrond says, "They have moved on from the safety of that land, sailing down the river Anduin with all secrecy."
- Lord Elrond says, "Do you fear for the success of their mission, <name>?"
- Elrohir says, "They are strong of heart and true of purpose, father. They will not falter in it."
- Lord Elrond says, "I wonder."
- Lord Elrond says, "This is the message I received from Galadriel of Lórien two days ago."
- Lord Elrond says, "Aragorn has need of his kindred. Let the Dúnedain ride to him in Rohan."
- Lord Elrond says, "What is Aragorn doing in Rohan? None of the plans we discussed should have brought him there!"
- Elrohir says, "If Lady Galadriel says Aragorn is in Rohan, he surely is, or will be."
- Lord Elrond says, "That is so. We must gather the Dúnedain, the Rangers of Eriador. You must do this, <name>."
- Lord Elrond says, "You know the roads and paths of Eriador, <name>. You must bring this news to the Rangers."
- Lord Elrond says, "The Rangers will uphold their oath. They will become the Grey Company, and ride to the aid of their chief."
- Lord Elrond says, "I will meet you in the library to discuss this charge."
Objective 6
Lord Elrond has asked to meet you in the library of his house to further discuss the charge: to gather the Dúnedain that they may ride to the aid of Aragorn in Rohan.
- Elrond: 'Go now to the library upstairs, <name>. I will meet you there, and we will discuss how the Rangers can be assembled as quickly as can be managed.'
- Pethelen: 'What you say fills me with foreboding, <name>. I do not know all the details of the journey on which Aragorn set forth last Decemeber, but if Lady Galadriel says he has need of his kin, well... that can mean nothing good, can it?
- 'Lord Elrond said he would meet you in the library for further discussions of how to gather the Dúnedain? You should go there at once! It is just upstairs.'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'Did you know that Galadriel of Lórien is our Arwen's mother's mother?'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'Lady Arwen has been crafting something in secret for the Dúnadan.'
- The Lady Arwen catches your eye and smiles a greeting
Objective 7
Arwen is outside the library in the House of Elrond and wishes to speak with you.
- Arwen: 'I know of the messages from my grandmother, <name>, and I know too that my father has asked you to gather the Dúnedain that they may ride south to the aid of Aragorn.
- 'We knew this day would come, he and I, and have both long prepared for its arrival. It has been my part to craft an item of beauty and of use, an item Aragorn will have need of before all is done. He knows of its making, and it will be a sign to him that the hour has indeed arrived when he must seize that which is his. I hope it will be a comfort to him, too, in distant lands.
- 'When the Dúnedain are all assembled, I will send for you. I must be sure someone can bear this item to him. I will call you before the Rangers depart.'
Objective 8
- Enter the Library in the House of Elrond
Master Elrond is waiting inside the library of his house to speak with you.
- Arwen says, "Thank you, <name>. That means a great deal to me."
- Arwen: 'Thank you, <name>. I will send for you when this item is ready.'
Objective 9
Lord Elrond is waiting to speak with you in the library of his house.
- Elf of Rivendell: 'If Galadriel believes Aragorn is in trouble, he surely must be.'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'If Aragorn has need of his kin, they should hasten to him at once!'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'The Dúnedain are a dour lot. But they are loyal to Aragorn, and must help him.'
- Elf of Rivendell: 'The Grey Company. It is an appropriate name, based on the Rangers I know.'
- Elrond: 'It will not be easy to gather the Dúnedain as quickly as it must be done, <name>. It would be best for you to bring the message to certain of Aragorn's kin, that they may then speak to the rest of their people, while you travel to those of more distant lands.
- 'I have prepared the names of those to whom you must speak. Walk with me, and I will tell you where they can be found.'
Objective 10
Lord Elrond is waiting to speak with you in the library of his house.
- Lord Elrond says, "My sons tell me that the Ranger Radanir has come to Thorenhad, in the Trollshaws. He will be closest."
- Lord Elrond says, "Radanir is humourless, but among the trees of the Trollshaws he is more at home than any."
- Lord Elrond says, "He is an expert in herb-lore."
- Lord Elrond says, "You will find the Ranger Candaith in the Lone-lands, at the base of the hill called Weathertop."
- Lord Elrond says, "He knows much about the lore and heritage of the Dúnedain."
- Lord Elrond says, "Saeradan is more settled than many of the Dúnedain."
- Lord Elrond says, "He has a cabin in Bree-land, and is held in higher regard by its people than other of the Rangers."
- Lord Elrond says, "Do you have any questions about these three?"
Objective 11
Master Elrond is waiting to speak with you in the Library of his house.
- Elrond: 'Once you have met Radanir in the Trollshaws and told him that the Rangers must assemble, you should travel west into the Lone-lands. At the base of Weathertop, you will find Candaith. He is sure to join the Grey Company.
- 'After you have spoken to Candaith, you will travel into Bree-land to speak with Saeradan at his cabin. He is not as prone to wandering as others of his kin, but he must be told of Aragorn's need.
- 'But there are other Rangers you must find.'
Objective 12
Master Elrond is waiting to speak with you in the Library of his house.
- Lord Elrond says, "The Ranger Halros has a camp in the Shire, near the outskirts."
- Lord Elrond says, "I would tell you the names of the nearby towns, but...I do not know them."
- Lord Elrond says, "I have not concerned myself with dealings in the Shire as Gandalf, Aragorn, and Halros have done."
- Lord Elrond says, "The Ranger Halbarad has always had the ear of Aragorn, his chieftain."
- Lord Elrond says, "You will find him at the hidden camp of Esteldín, in the North Downs."
- Lord Elrond says, "Calenglad has overseen the defence of Annúminas, on the shores of Lake Evendim, for many years."
- Lord Elrond says, "He has known Aragorn all of his life. I do not doubt he will ride with the Grey Company."
- Lord Elrond says, "Do you have any further questions?"
Objective 13
Master Elrond is waiting to speak with you in the Library of his house.
- Elrond: 'Halros, Halbarad and Calenglad will speak with others of the Dúnedain near the borders of the Shire and throughout the North Downs and Evendim, but there are two more Rangers you will need to find personally. The distances are simply too great for anyone but you to cover in time.'
Objective 14
Master Elrond is waiting to speak with you in the Library of his house.
- Lord Elrond says, "The Ranger Lothrandir watches the frozen northern lands of Forochel, home of the Lossoth."
- Lord Elrond says, "And yet, the Grey Company needs Lothrandir, despite the incredible distance."
- Lord Elrond says, "He spent much of his life in the wide southern lands, and is familiar with their peoples."
- Lord Elrond says, "This way, <name>."
- Lord Elrond says, "The last Ranger I would have you find is Corunir. You will find him in Aughaire, in Angmar."
- Lord Elrond says, "Corunir is less bold, perhaps, than others of the Dúnedain, but he does have some sense."
- Elrohir says, "Father, I do not understand. There is another Ranger in Angmar that should be a part of the Grey Company."
- Elrohir says, "Why should Golodir not join the Grey Company?"
- Lord Elrond says, "Golodir, you say?"
- Alternate dialog #1
- Lord Elrond says, "You know why, or can guess, <name>. You were there."
- Lord Elrond says, "You were there when Golodir's daughter was slain by the False King."
- Lord Elrond says, "We should ask no more of Golodir. He has lost too much already."
- Lord Elrond says, "Let Golodir remain in Eriador, where he can nurse his grief. Corunir will go in his place."
- Alternate dialog #2
- Lord Elrond says, "You could not know this, <name>, but Golodir has suffered much already."
- Lord Elrond says, "It was before the gates of Carn Dûm that Golodir's daughter was slain by the False King of Angmar."
- Lord Elrond says, "Golodir has nothing left to give and cannot rightly be asked to do so."
- Lord Elrond says, "Let him remain in Eriador, where he can nurse his grief. Corunir will go in his place."
Objective 15
Elrohir is in the library of his father's house.
- Elrohir: 'Golodir was a strong man and true of heart, but my father is right. He has suffered much. I did not know.
- 'I know very little of Corunir, beyond that he be loyal to a fault. Did he not remain in Aughaire for years, awaiting Golodir's return from beyond the Rammas Deluon?'
Objective 16
Master Elrond is in the library of his house.
- Elrond: 'And so it shall be, <name>. You will walk the paths of Eriador one more time, in search of these Dúnedain. They will gather others of their kin, and when all is made ready, the Grey Company will set forth.
- 'It will be done as Galadriel of Lórien has asked. We respond to her messages with the haste we must, and with the messenger those messages deserve: a <class> of proven loyalty, to gather the Grey Company in time!'
- Elrond: 'Very good, <name>. Many hopes rest on your journey though Eriador to gather the Dúnedain for their journey!'