Quest:Instance: In Remembrance

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Instance: In Remembrance
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Mêshka
Starts at Fleet-watch Tavern
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [24.3S, 98.2W]
Quest Group Tales of the Kindred
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

In Remembrance

"Now that the family members are all gathered, we can begin the memorial in tribute of the crew of the Iskánta."


Mêshka has commissioned a mural in memory of the fallen crew of the Rebuke. Everyone is present, and the memorial is ready to begin.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Mêshka

Mêshka has commissioned a mural in memory of the fallen crew of the Rebuke. Everyone is present, and the memorial is almost ready to begin. You should talk to Mêshka.

Mêshka: 'Thank you for your assistance with making this all come together, <name>. When I first asked for your help, I was unsure of your intentions, or if you would even show. I must tell you though that I am glad you did. Belondor has told me that you have been aiding him, and I am glad for him to have a friend.'
'It is my hope that this memorial will help him move past his current unease. He has not been kind to himself. He will not be able to do what he needs to in such a state.'
Mêshka says, "Come."

Objective 2

  • Admire the mural.

Mêshka has commissioned a mural in memory of the fallen crew of the Rebuke. Everyone is present, and the memorial is ready to begin. You should take a moment to look at the mural.

You see a painting of Belondor valiantly attempting to defend his doomed crew from Azagath

Objective 3

  • Attend the memorial.

Mêshka has commissioned a mural in memory of the fallen crew of the Rebuke. Everyone is present, and the memorial is beginning.

Mêshka says, "Thank you all for coming. The fearless crew of the Iskánta will live on in us and in the memories of all who knew them.
Mêshka says, "This memorial will remind all who see it of their noble sacrifice."
Belondor says, "There was nothing noble about it. It was outright murder, and it was my fault."
Belondor says, "I do not ask for your forgiveness, nor do I deserve it. I just..."
Pârnakh says, "Do not put this on yourself Belondor! You were not the one who killed them."
Okhâb says, "That is right. It was the vile Sea-shadow!"
Imâra says, "Yes, they loved you, Belondor, as do we. Do not blame yourself."
Ansham says, "Azagath Sea-shadow deceived us all. I would see his head rotting on a pike!"
Bekhír says, "I agree, you did not do this. We know you are an honourable man."
Mêshka says, "Stand, my husband. Do not lament that you did not die with them."
Mêshka says, "I need you. This city needs you."
Mêshka says, "The snake Azagath will come to regret the day he did not kill Belondor of the Fleet-fast."
Belondor says, "Yes, my love. You are correct, as always."
Belondor says, "<name>..."

Objective 4

  • Talk to Belondor

Mêshka has commissioned a mural in memory of the fallen crew of the Rebuke. The families of the deceased mariners have tried to absolve Belondor of his feelings of guilt. Belondor wants to talk to you.

Belondor: As you approach Belondor, he looks haggard, older than you remember him being and is clearly troubled.
'<name>, I have a few things to take care of before I leave here, but I would like to speak with you later. Meet me back in Dâr Laja when it’s convenient for you.'