Quest:Inconvenient Orcs

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Inconvenient Orcs
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Lúfred
Starts at Beorning Watchpost
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [3.4S, 60.0W]
Quest Group Vales of Anduin: Duskenvale
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The Beornings tell me that I can't deliver these goods because of Orc activity, but they also will not do anything about it! Why? Because then the post would be undermanned! You look to be skilled in combat, <class>. Would you please do something about these Orcs? I will pay you, of course!'


Orcs have been troubling the road between the Gladden Fields and Duskenvale, preventing trade and travel. The trader Lúfred has asked you to take care of the issue.

Objective 1

Lúfred has asked you to stop the Orc activity in Duskenvale so trade can resume.

You should find the Orc camp in the hills in Duskenvale.

This appears to be the source of the Orc ambushers

Objective 2

You have discovered a camp of Orcs in northern Duskenvale.

You should defeat the Orcs and their leader in Brafulug.

Defeated Orcs in Brafulug (10/10)
Defeated Captain Ugúrz

Objective 3

You have defeated the Orcs in the hills of Duskenvale.

You should return to Lúfred at the Beorning Watchpost to inform him.

Lúfred: You inform Lúfred that the Orcs have been defeated.
'Wonderful! I cannot thank you enough, <name>. A trader is nothing if he cannot freely trade!
'Now I have to convince these stubborn Beornings that the road can be opened again!'