Quest:In the King's Wake
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Level | 86 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Thane Edric |
Starts at | Entwade |
Start Region | Kingstead |
Map Ref | [56.1S, 65.9W] |
Ends with | Thane Edric |
Ends at | Entwade |
End Region | Kingstead |
Map Ref | [56.1S, 65.9W] |
Quest Group | Entwade |
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'Well then, welcome to Entwade, traveller. I have little time to spend chatting with one so ill-acquainted with the troubles of Rohan. The King has ridden west and left me many problems and not enough men to handle them. Be him renewed or not, my people have still been forgotten. 'Look to my side, traveller. My wife, Léoflad, struggles to make ready to evacuate my people to Aldburg. Such a task would be difficult even if the Uruks were not riding our plains, but such things are commonplace under Théoden King. 'Let me speak no more of him, for my wife thinks such things bode ill for my temper. If you would help us prepare, we would be grateful for your aid, though I know not how much I can repay you in these dire times.' BackgroundAmid growing dangers in Kingstead, Thane Edric and Léoflad struggle to prepare their people to journey to the Eastfold. Objective 1
Thane Edric and his wife, Léoflad, can be found outside the Mead Hall of Entwade. Thane Edric has asked you to aid Léoflad and his people as they make ready to travel. You should speak to Edric and Léoflad. Objective 2
Thane Edric can be found outside the Mead Hall of Entwade near the waggons. You have aided the people of Entwade greatly, and should now speak to Thane Edric of what is to be done next.