Quest:In Honour of Love Deferred

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In Honour of Love Deferred
Level 60
Type Solo
Starts with Tuilinn
Starts at Cerin Amroth
Start Region Lothlórien
Map Ref [11.9S, 67.8W]
Quest Group Lothlórien
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Now that you know the sweet history of Elessar and his lady-love Undómiel, perhaps you understand the solemnity of their joining and their parting.

'The happiest time they had together was the season they spent in Lórien, especially here upon Cerin Amroth. It is the habit of many of us who have known either of them to spend time upon the hill in the sunshine, reflecting upon the sacrifices they have made for each other. It is a good way to put one's problems into perspective, among other things.

'Would you like to do so as well? It must be during the day: as Aragorn said when they spoke their promises, neither the Shadow, which he always repudiates, nor the Twilight is for him, being mortal. Go to the southern side of the hill and meditate upon these matters for a time.'


Tuilinn has invited you to solemnly meditate upon Cerin Amroth.

Objective 1

The place Tuilinn spoke of is upon the southern side of Cerin Amroth.

Tuilinn wants you to go to the spot on the hill of Cerin Amroth at which Aragorn and Arwen pledged their troth to each other and meditate in honour of their love, as she does.

Tuilinn: 'You should sit upon the southern face of Cerin Amroth and meditate upon the tale of Arwen and Elessar.'
You are at the spot at which Elessar and Undómiel plighted their troth
You sit and meditate quietly.

Objective 2

Tuilinn is atop the flet on Cerin Amroth.

You should let Tuilinn know that you have done as she instructed.

Tuilinn: 'You have the peaceful look of one who has meditated, <name>: solemn and peaceful.'