Quest:Hiders and Seekers Over Yonder

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Hiders and Seekers Over Yonder
Level 22
Type Solo
Starts with Gildor Inglorion
Starts at Tighfield
Start Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [26.5S, 82.3W]
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Hail, friend! Would you like to join in our game of Hiders and Seekers? You may decline, but I will warn you that the children are quite tenacious! I had no choice but to surrender when they found me.

'Alas, they're still as energetic as they were when we started playing, and I've grown weary. Could you assume the role of seeker for a while? When you're ready, climb up to the gazebo and begin counting down. Rest assured, there is no need to venture beyond Tighfield's walls to find the children.

'Good luck!'


It's just a game of Hiders and Seekers. What can go wrong?

Objective 1

  • Go to the gazebo

Gildor has invited you to play a game of Hiders and Seekers.

You should go to the gazebo in Tighfield to begin the game.

Objective 2

  • Count down from ten

Time to close your eyes and count!

Ready or not, here you come!

Objective 3

  • Find and poke hiders (0/6)

You should find the hobbit children hiding throughout Tighfield.

Gildor has assured you that you do not need to venture past Tighfield's walls.

Hobbit Child says, "But... but this is the best hiding spot! Periwinkle told me!"
Hobbit Child says, "Aw... I wanted to keep playing!"
Hobbit Child says, "I thought nobody would ever see me here..."
Hobbit Child says, "The next hiding spot I pick won't be easy!"

Objective 4

  • Find and poke hiders (0/6) (0/10 seconds count down)

You've found all but one of the hiders. Where could the last child be?

Gildor might know where the last hider is

Objective 5

Gildor is resting in Tighfield by the gazebo.

He might know where the last hider is.

Gildor Inglorion: 'One of the children has disappeared? Yes, I believe I know of whom you speak; her name is Periwinkle.'