Quest:Harass the Patrol

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Harass the Patrol
Level 65
Type Solo
Starts with Harchador
Starts at Mithechad
Start Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [17.5S, 48.3W]
Quest Group Mirkwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Scattered among the ruins in the Southern Ashenslades, Ânghum-maudhûl stands as the central encampment for the forces of Dol Guldur in the area. These ruins have been fortified by numerous Orcs that patrol the area. We need to test to see how strong the arrayed forces are.

'Will you travel to Ânghum-maudhûland dispatch their patrols on the outskirts of the camp? Ânghum-maudhûl can be found to south-east of Mithechad.

'Return to me when you completed this task, and I will find some means to reward you.'


The Malledhrim have learned that the outskirts of Ânghum-maudhûl are heavily patrolled by the Orcs of Dol Guldur.

Objective 1

Ânghum-maudhûl lies to the south-east of Mithechad.

Harchador has asked you to harass the Orcs assigned to the encampment of Ânghum-maudhûl.

Harchador: 'Have you travelled to Ânghum-maudhûl, to the south-east, and harrassed the patrols surrounding the encampment?'

Objective 2

Harchador is at Mithechad, located on the western border of the Ashenslades, south-west of Ânghum-maudhûl.

After harassing the patrols outside of Ânghum-maudhûl, you should return to speak with Harchador.

Harchador: 'By harassing the Orc-patrols outside of Ânghum-maudhûl, it has allowed us to discern the strength of the troops in the area.
'While the Enemy is entrenched, we may be able to move in and weaken their fortifications, so that our patrols might move more easily throughout the region.'