Quest:Graeme's Thanks

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Graeme's Thanks
Level 21
Type Solo
Starts with Letter from Mayor Tenderlarch
Starts at Bree
Ends with Mayor Graeme Tenderlarch
Ends at Bree-town Hall
End Region Bree
Map Ref [31.1S, 51.2W]
Quest Group Bree-land
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue


I ask, at your convenience, that you visit me in the Bree Town Hall. I wish to thank you personally for attending to an issue that has long plagued the folk of Bree. I hear that it was by your hand that the haunting of our town is ended, and I wish to see the hero of Bree for myself.

Graeme Tenderlarch, Mayor


Graeme Tenderlarch asks you to visit him after finishing a task that plagued Bree.

Objective 1

Graeme Tenderlarch is at the Bree Town Hall.

You received a post requesting that you meet with the Mayor of Bree, Graeme Tenderlarch.

Mayor Graeme Tenderlarch: 'I had thought the reports of the haunting were drunken ramblings. Imagine my surprise when I was approached by the gate Watchers at the South-gate. They told me it was you, <name>, that quelled the spirit once wandering the alleys of Bree.
'For that I am in your debt, as is this town. Please, accept this as a payment for your deeds, which until now had gone unnoticed.'