Quest:Fruits of the Forest
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Level | 37 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Lithuifin |
Starts at | The Eavespires |
Start Region | Evendim |
Map Ref | [6.1S, 72.0W] |
Quest Group | Evendim |
Quest Chain | Befuddled Giants |
Quest Chain |
Prerequisites: Completed the quest chain Threat from the North. Befuddled Giants
This quest chain is prerequisite for the quest Twisted Forest. |
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal Dialogue'I must beg your pardon, for we have forgotten to mention how we keep the giants convinced that this forest is haunted. It is easier than you might assume. 'I need you to collect some berries from the bushes that grow in this part of the forest -- they are quite sweet, but I suggest that you not sample them, lest you find yourself led far astray by their effects. The taste may be flavourful, but they are more intoxicating than the stoutest of dwarf-ales. 'Bring me several handfuls, and I will prepare a fine treat for the giants. They can be found south of the Eavespires and east of Amon Môth.' BackgroundLithuifin the Elf is concerned with the giants which have been ruining the forest. Objective 1
The berries can be found south of the Eavespires and east of Amon Môth. Lithuifin has asked you to collect some colourful berries and bring them to him. Objective 2
Lithuifin resides at the Eavespires, east and north of Amon Môth, along the shoreline of Lake Evendim. You should bring the berries you collected to Lithuifin.