Quest:Finding Rest

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Finding Rest
Level 66
Type Solo
Starts with Naeglanc
Starts at Echad Naeglanc
Start Region Dunland
Map Ref [77.4S, 15.8W]
Ends with Ilar
Ends at Bonevales
End Region Dunland
Map Ref [76.0S, 14.9W]
Quest Group Dunland: Bonevales
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'There have been reports of wights rising from the ancient cairns that line the Bone Quarry. These cairns have stood for generations, unsullied until now. We must find a way to close the cairns.

'Will you seek out the cairn-openings and seal the entrances? If so, travel down the path, then east to the Bone Quarry.

'When you have sealed the cairns, find Ilar and tell him of your deed.'


Wights have begun to rise up from the cairns of the Bonevales, presenting a threat to all who dwell in Dunland.

Objective 1

  • Seal cairn-openings (0/3)

The Bone Quarry lies to the east of Echad Naeglanc.

Naeglanc has asked you to close several cairn-openings within the Bone Quarry.

Naeglanc: 'Have you sealed the cairn-entrances?'

Objective 2

Ilar is at his camp, north and east of the Bone Quarry.

You should seek out Ilar and let him know that the cairns have been sealed.

Ilar: 'With the cairns sealed, fewer of the wights can emerge to stalk the land. It is a shame that this has come to pass.'