Quest:Feathers of the Flock

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Feathers of the Flock
Level 77
Type Solo
Starts with Spying Craban
Starts at Cracabor
Start Region The Wold
Ends with Sergeant Tidlac
Ends at Twickenburg
End Region The Wold
Map Ref [44.2S, 49.8W]
Quest Chain Twickenburg
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The hill of Cracabor is covered in spying crebain that intimidate the surrounding lands with their sinister gazes.


The hill of Cracabor is covered in spying crebain that intimidate the surrounding lands with their sinister gazes.

Objective 1

  • Kill a Spying Craban

The hill of Cracabor is the highest point in the Wold, and is located just north of the Twickenburg.

You should climb Cracabor and collect feathers from the evil flock that has landed there.

Objective 2

The hill of Cracabor is the highest point in the Wold, and is located just north of the Twickenburg.

You should climb Cracabor and collect feathers from the evil flock that has landed there.

Objective 3

Sergeant Tidlac is keeping watch on the road from the fort of Twickenburg, between Harwick and Floodwend.

You should bring the feathers to Sergeant Tidlac.

Sergeant Tidlac: 'The feathers you collected from the crebain will be very useful, <name>. We use them for arrows, bedding, and all sorts of things. Better for us to have them than those evil birds.'