Quest:Executioner of Isengard

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Executioner of Isengard
Level 75
Type Solo
Starts with Dagoras
Starts at Dagoras' Camp
Start Region Nan Curunír
Map Ref [84.8S, 3.5W]
Quest Group Isengard: Nan Curunír
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Be wary, <name>. A short while ago, I saw a strange figure moving south towards the pass, but it disappeared before I could determine who or what it might be.

'Stranger still, it left no trail that I could follow. I do not know what became of it.'


Dagoras saw a strange figure creeping about in southern Nan Curunír, but soon lost its trail.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Dagoras at his camp

Dagoras is at his camp in Nan Curunír.

You should speak with Dagoras to discover what clues he can offer to help find the strange figure's trail.

Dagoras: 'There are not many who can so easily evade my eyes. I fear that this individual may have some sinister purpose in mind...we should redouble our efforts to discover what that is.'
Dagoras says, "He disappeared a few hours ago."
Dagoras says, "I tried to pick up his trail, but it was well disguised."
  • Defend Dagoras
Dagoras says, "Say... did you hear something?"
Executioner of Isengard says, "Die, Fool!"
Dagoras has survived

Objective 2

  • Talk to Dagoras at his camp

Dagoras is at his camp in Nan Curunír.

You should speak with Dagoras about the mysterious executioner who attacked him.

Dagoras: 'Well, <name>, you have my gratitude and then some. It has been a while since I allowed myself to be caught unaware, and I feel more the fool for it...but I am still alive and that is something, at least.