Quest:Ettenmoors: Legendary Services I

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Ettenmoors: Legendary Service I
Level 150
Type Solo
Repeatable yes
Starts with Legendary Service - I
Starts at Glân Vraig
Start Region Ettenmoors
Map Ref [20.3S, 13.7W]
Quest Group Ettenmoors
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

This simple voucher, penned clearly by elvish hands, offers the bearer services from Lieutenant Ovorestel.

Lieutenant Ovorestel is a guard at Ost Ringdyr, north of Glân Vraig. She is known to be a scholarly sort who helps to maintain the weapons used by the Free People in the Ettenmoors.


Your efforts in the Ettenmoors deserve acknowledgment and the smith at Ost Ringdyr looks to provide you with a great boon. Visit Lieutenant Ovorestel to learn more.

Objective 1

Make your way to Ost Ringdyr to speak with Lieutenant Ovorestel. She is a guard there who helps in the construction and maintenance of weaponry used in battle across the Ettenmoors.

Lieutenant Ovorestel: '<name>, for your services across the Ettenmoors you are recognized and well-regarded. 'The weapon you wield serves you well.'
She looks your weapon over and lightly touches the blade.
'Bloody this weapon by defeating a true enemy here in the Ettenmoors and you will grow its legend and yours.
'Thank you for your service in these dark times.'

Objective 2

  • Defeat a monster player in the Ettenmoors (1)

Lieutenant Ovorestel told you to go into the Ettenmoors and defeat a true enemy. Find an enemy out of Angmar that fights with fearsome tenacity and defeat them in battle to earn your reward.