Quest:Dread Shells from Loeg Thangalf

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Dread Shells from Loeg Thangalf
Level 144
Type Solo
Starts with Maelvír
Starts at Mereham
Start Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [57.6S, 81.5W]
Quest Group Pinnath Gelin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Hello, hello! Ooh, a <class>. Most excellent! You're just who I need.

'Ah, let me explain. I am Maelvír - armourer for the Knights of the Green Hills. I heard that dread-turtles have moved onto the nearby island of Loeg Thangalf. Isn't it exciting? That is, you see, I am very interested in learning more about their armoured shells. Bring some back, and I shall reward you. What do you say?'


The island of Loeg Thangalf has become home to ferocious dread-turtles, whose shells may well serve to provide protection and armour for the Knights of the Green Hills.

Objective 1

  • Collect turtle shells (0/8)

Maelvír has asked you to bring back shells from the dread-turtles inhabiting a nearby island.

You can hunt dread-turtles on the island of Loeg Thangalf, in Pinnath Gelin.

Objective 2

With multiple dread-turtle shells in hand, you should return to Maelvír.

Maelvír is at Mereham, in central Pinnath Gelin.

Maelvír: 'Welcome back, welcome back! Ah, do you have them? Oof, you certainly smell like you do.'