Quest:Dig Deep

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Dig Deep
Level 147
Type Solo
Starts with Hûzo
Starts at Rakhatâb
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [25.5S, 115.3W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You assisted me before, and I have need with someone with your skills again. There is a cave not far from here along the southern edge of the mountains to the east. We have workers there, extracting metals for the forges. There's been a cave-in; many lives are in the balance. Please, can you help them?'


A mining foreman asked you to assist with a cave-in that occurred within a cave near Rakhatâb[sic]. The cave is east of the fort.

Objective 1

To the east of Rhakatâb[sic] on the southern slope of the mountains there is a mining cave that suffered a cave-in. Go there and rescue the miners trapped behind the rubble.

Hûzo: 'I wish only for the safe return of the workers. The metals that they mine are important, but not as much as their lives are worth... to me and to them, at the least, if not to the overseer! Please, make haste!'

Objective 2

  • Return to Hûzo at the common in Rakhatâb

The miners are safe, and you escaped the mine. Return to Hûzo and tell him that the mine is either unsafe or home to something that will make it unsafe for his miners to continue working there.

Hûzo: 'Something was shaking the mine shaft?
'A creature? The earth? No, you are correct. It should not matter what was shaking the mine. We should not return there. I will seek the council of the overseer to determine what should be done.
'Please, take this for your efforts, <name>.'