Quest:Blood of My Blood

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Blood of My Blood
Level 147
Type Solo
Starts with Ayaluk
Starts at Rakhatâb
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [25.9S, 115.5W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I wonder if you might help me. It is a delicate matter.

'My brother Zûfan has been shaving down his coins, you see, giving the overseer less than her share. I told him not to, but he said he would never get caught. He started doing it for some of the other workers as well.

'Well, this morning I heard a rumour that the overseer caught on to these ruses, and now my brother has vanished. Even if he has run away, I just want to know he's all right. He may be a fool, but he is family.

'Go to our home and see if you can find any clue to where he went. Please, <name>, can you help me?'


Ayaluk is concerned about his brother. He went missing several days ago after a visit from a collector of debts.

Objective 1

  • Find clues to Zûfan's disappearance (0/3)

Ayaluk is concerned that the overseer in Rakhatâb has injured or killed his brother Zûfan.

Use Clean Spot
It appears a pack was taken
Use Bits of Meat
It appears that trail rations were taken
Use Spot for a lantern
It appears an oil lantern was taken

Objective 2

  • Speak with Ayaluk in Rakhatâb

You discovered that there was a missing pack, oil lantern, and trail rations taken from the home.

Ayaluk: 'He took enough to survive for some time out in the wild. There is a place we used to go as children. It is north, outside the fort here and then west down toward the shoreline. He must have gone there. Please, see if he is well.'
Ayaluk directed you to a location north-west along the shoreline

Objective 3

  • Find Ayaluk's brother Zûfan

Zûfan likely went to the place where the siblings used to hide as children, north from the city and then west along the cliffs near the shoreline. Go there and ensure that the brother is well.

Objective 4

  • Witness the tragedy

Zûfan likely went to the place where the siblings used to hide as children, north from the city and then west along the cliffs near the shoreline. Go there and ensure that the brother is well.

Ulanor says, "Blood or Coin. They all pay their debts."
Ayaluk's brother is dead by Overseer Ulanor's hand

Objective 5

  • Bring the sad news to Ayaluk in Rakhatâb

Ulanor found Zûfan before you and exacted the blood price for his debts. You need to deliver this sad news to Ayaluk.

Ayaluk: 'Thank you for trying. The fool knew the risks. I warned him.'
Tears well in his eyes.
'I am going to build a cairn for my brother down at the shoreline. I will try to remember our days of happiness and laughter. Feel free to visit me there.'