Quest:Diamonds in the Rough (Daily)

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Diamonds in the Rough (Daily)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Umbar Guild Leader (Jeweller's Guild)
Starts at Swain's Guild-hall
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [21.3S, 97.3W]
Profession Jeweller
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'We jewellers look at the beauty and abundance of our land and find inspiration in the oddest of places. Who would think that the tooth of a feral crocodile could be turned into a fine work of art to adorn an ear or tie into a beard? A jeweller! That is who.'

'The rise of the Kindred of the Coin allows us to explore, even more, the wonders which we can create. Our renewed wonder draws eyes from the wealthy and the poor and we struggle to meet demand.'

'As a guild member, we ask that you assist us in meeting the demands of an adoring populace.'


The jeweller's guild in Umbar Baharbêl creates materials and items sold and worn by many in the city. You are doing your part to keep the stocks full.

Objective 1

  • Craft a crate of jewellery for the Umbar Jeweller's Guild

The recipe needed to complete this quest is available for purchase. Purchase the quest recipe from the guild leader.

Create a crate of jewellery for Umbar Baharbêl.

Crafted a crate of jewellery for the Umbar Jeweller's Guild

Objective 2

  • Deliver a crate of jewellery to the Umbar Jeweller's Guild

Provide the crate of jewellery to the Umbar Jeweller's Guild Leader.

Umbar Guild Leader: 'Most excellent. These items can be used for the guards throughout Umbar. This is a wonderful addition.'