Quest:Daily Request: Pick Your Poison

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Daily Request: Arming Our Warriors
Level 115
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Vórthi
Starts at Hall Under the Mountain
Start Region Eryn Lasgalen
Map Ref [29.5N, 25.6W]
Quest Group Agarnaith Allegiance
Quest Chain Allegiance: Dwarf Daily Request
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You are looking to help Durin's Folk? I am glad to hear it, but I do not have any requests prepared. I am quite embarrassed to be caught this way... there must be something you can do!

'Ah, I have it! The swamp-lands of Agarnaith are full of danger, and any of the foes you face there will make that treacherous vale safer. Birds and bugs, wolves and boars, Orcs and Uruks... it makes no difference to me! Choose some foes to defeat, and defeat them! What could be simpler than that?'


Vórthi has asked for your help combatting threats in Agarnaith, but he is not particular about how exactly you accomplish it.

Objective 1



Vórthi asked you to choose foes to defeat in Agarnaith, and no matter what you choose to face, you will be making the swamp more safe.

Vórthi: 'The swamp-lands of Agarnaith are full of danger, and any of the foes you face there will make that treacherous vale safer. Birds and bugs, wolves and boars, Orcs and Uruks... it makes no difference to me! Choose some foes to defeat, and defeat them! What could be simpler than that?
Defeated crebain or sickle-flies in Agarnaith (18/18)
Defeated boars or wolves in Agarnaith (12/12)
Defeated Orcs or Uruks in Agarnaith (8/8)

Objective 2

Vórthi is in the Hall Under the Mountain.

Vórthi: 'You are back, and Agarnaith is made more safe for your efforts? Well done. No, do not tell me what foes you defeated... there is no need for that! Whatever they were, they will not be a problem anymore! Ha ha ha!'