Quest:Daily Request: Hot Work, And Lots Of It!

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Daily Request: Hot Work, And Lots Of It!
Level 115
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Vórthi
Starts at Hall Under the Mountain
Start Region Eryn Lasgalen
Map Ref [29.5N, 25.6W]
Quest Group Talath Úrui Allegiance
Quest Chain Allegiance: Dwarf Daily Request
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Dwarves returning from Mordor have told tales of the Ghâshghurm, a great lake of fire that boils and bubbles south of Mount Doom. The picture these scorching stories paint is a most unpleasant one, and it makes my brow sweat even here, among the cool shadows under the Lonely Mountain!

'I want to help the dwarves that still labour in Talath Úrui. I have prepared kegs of ale to quench the thirst they surely possess. Set up the kegs not far from the Ghâshghurm, perhaps north-east of Thorzhaf, off the road. Parched dwarves will be glad to see you!'


Vórthi has heard tales of the great lake of fire in Talath Úrui, the Ghâshghurm, and wants you to bring some means of refreshment to the dwarves that must adventure by its banks.

Objective 1

  • Set up a keg for parched dwarves north-east of Thorzhaf, in Talath Úrui

There is a good spot for a keg north-east of Thorzhaf, in Talath Úrui.

Vórthi: 'I want to help the dwarves that still labour in Talath Úrui. I have prepared kegs of ale to quench the thirst they surely possess. Set up the kegs not far from the Ghâshghurm, perhaps north-east of Thorzhaf, off the road. Parched dwarves will be glad to see you!'
Placing keg of ale ... The dwarves are pleased!
The keg is greatly appreciated!
Parched Dwarf says, "Never have I been so pleased as I am right now!"
Parched Dwarf says, "This is hot work, and the ale will make it more pleasant!"

Objective 2

  • Set up a keg for parched dwarves east of Thorzhaf, in Talath Úrui

There is a good spot for a keg east of Thorzhaf, in Talath Úrui.

The keg is greatly appreciated!
Parched Dwarf says, "Behold, a gift of ale! Drink up, and wipe the sweat from your brow!"

Objective 3

  • Set up a keg for parched dwarves north of the road between Naerband and the Ghâshghurm

There is a good spot for a keg north of the road in Talath Úrui, between Naerband and the Ghâshghurm.

The keg is greatly appreciated!
Parched Dwarf says, "What a gift!"
Parched Dwarf says, "Drinks all around! This will keep us going!"

Objective 4

  • Talk to Vórthi in the Hall Under the Mountain

Vórthi is in the Hall Under the Mountain.

Vórthi: 'Welcome back, friend! Were the dwarves in Talath Úrui glad to see you and the kegs of ale you brought with you? Yes! I am pleased to hear that!'
'I have helped our adventuring dwarves in many ways for the past few weeks, but I think I am most proud of this task. Thank you for helping me help our dwarf heroes! Adventuring is thirsty work... I speak from experience!'