Quest:Daily: Defeat Râmakhir

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Daily: Defeat Râmakhir
Level 150
Type Small Fellowship
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Bôgalekh
Starts at Jadambor
Start Region Dil-irmíz
Map Ref [121.4S, 143.6W]
Quest Group Defending the Umbar-môkh
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'There have been sightings by people here of a vicious shade known as Râmakhir in Dil-irmíz.

'They are quite a dangerous foe, and it is worrisome to have such a monster be so close to Jadambor.

'Reports have claimed that they can be found to the west, but if you do not see them, then destroy their allied shades in the area until they are forced to reveal themselves.

'I would ask that you gather your allies and drive Râmakhir away.'


Bôgalekh has asked you to defeat Râmakhir, a powerful shade spotted in the area.

Objective 1

Defeat the powerful shade known as Râmakhir to the west of Jadambor.

Râmakhir defeated

Objective 2

  • Return to Bôgalekh to inform them of Râmakhir's defeat

Return to Bôgalekh in Jadambor in the flooded undercity to inform them of Râmakhir's defeat.

Bôgalekh: 'We owe you a thanks for driving away Râmakhir.
'Jadambor is now safer as we continue the fight. Take this as a reward.'