Quest:Defending the Umbar-môkh (Weekly)

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Defending the Umbar-môkh (Weekly)
Level 150
Type Solo
Repeatable Weekly
Starts with Bôgalekh
Starts at Jadambor
Start Region Dil-irmíz
Map Ref [121.4S, 143.6W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh Weekly Quests
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'We must reclaim the Umbar-môkh for all of Umbar!

'We need your aid in helping defend our position here and in defeating dangerous enemies throughout the Umbar-môkh. We can reward your valiant accomplishments with treasure to match. Will you help us?'


You have been tasked with defeating dangerous creatures and helping those in need throughout the Umbar-môkh.

Objective 1

Defending the Umbar-môkh quests are available from Bôgalekh and Zûfan in Jadambor, from bounty boards in Ilmabiri and Dil-irmíz, and from defeating spiders, bog-lurkers, and shades in Dil-irmíz to collect supplies required by Kavíra, the healer.

Completed Defending the Umbar-môkh quests (20/20)

Objective 2

  • Completed

Completed many Defending the Umbar-môkh quests aiding in the defence of the Umbar-môkh.

Your efforts have truly assisted those who work to reclaim the Umbar-môkh from the forces that would harm it. You will certainly be rewarded for your accomplishments.