Quest:Curse Their Foul Feet!

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Curse Their Foul Feet!
Level 60
Type Solo
Starts with Dindirith
Starts at Echad Andestel
Start Region Lothlórien
Map Ref [14.2S, 73.0W]
Quest Group Lothlórien
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Orcs have been trying to enter the Golden Wood for the past several days, <name>, and though they are killed by the arrows of the Galadhrim before they get very far, still there is grievous damage done.

'Curse the foul feet of the Orcs! Their passage across the swift-flowing Nimrodel has dirtied its clean waters. The encrusted filth of their boots collects on the banks of the stream, and the song of Nimrodel is made the more sorrowful for it.

'Travel north and south along the stream and collect the filth left behind by the Orcs' passage. Bring it to me and we will dispose of it, and Nimrodel will run clean once more.'


Dindirith has asked you to remove the Orc filth from the Nimrodel, the fast-flowing stream outside the border of Lórien.

Objective 1

  • Collect Orc filth from the banks of the Nimrodel (5)

The soiled banks of the Nimrodel can be found north and south from Echad Andestel, along the banks of the stream.

Dindirith has asked you to clean up the banks of the Nimrodel, sullied by the passage of the Orcs.

Objective 2

Dindirith is in Echad Andestel, west of the banks of Nimrodel and the border of Lórien.

You have collected Orc filth from the banks of Nimrodel and should return now to Dindirith, as he asked.

Dindirith: 'Curse the foul feet of the Orcs! You have done well to cleanse the banks of Nimrodel, though as long as the Orcs march toward the Golden Wood, that beautiful stream will be endangered by their filthy careless footsteps.
'I have an idea, <name>. Let us return this filth to the Orcs.'