Quest:Chapter 4.7: Elderslade Aflame
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Level | 130 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Afwald |
Starts at | Zarkul-sulûn |
Start Region | The War of Three Peaks |
Ends with | Durin |
Ends at | Zarkul-sulûn |
End Region | The War of Three Peaks |
Quest Group | The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 4 |
Quest Chain |
Previous: The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 3
The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 4
Next: Interlude: Blood of Azog |
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal Dialogue'Oh, he does like setting things aflame, doesn't he? As long as he is careful and vigilant, perhaps he will make good use of those goblin-bombs against our foes. 'It may be a good idea for you to find him and ensure he is using caution, <name>. He mentioned something about the Angmarim tower of Caivád Sâr, so you should begin your search near there.' BackgroundThe dwarf Eywind has a long history of setting goblins on fire. But will he prove able to distinguish friend from foe amid the chaos of the War of Three Peaks? Objective 1
Eywind is somewhere near Caivád Sâr as the War of Three Peaks continues
Objective 2
Some dwarves remain dangerously close to the path where Eywind has set his stolen goblin-bombs! Eywind will not evacuate them, so it falls to you.
Objective 3
Eywind is south of the Angmarim tower of Caivád Sâr, and you should return to him quickly. You do not know how long his goblin-bombs will remain undetonated.
Objective 4
Eywind is south of Caivád Sâr, admiring his handiwork.
Objective 5
Ewind's satisfaction has turned to displeasure: for some reason not all of the bombs exploded. Did goblin-sappers recover some of the bombs, and do they now plan to use them against the dwarves? You should try and recover these twice-stolen goblin-bombs, while there is still time. Goblin-sneaks can be found in Eywind's vicinity during the War of Three Peaks.
Objective 6
The goblin-sneak probably set his stolen bomb somewhere near the lakeside trench to the south-west, hoping to do as much damage to the dwarves as possible. You have to find and defuse it as quickly as you can!
Objective 7
Eywind is in the lakeside trench during the War of Three Peaks.
Objective 8
Durin is inside Zarkul-sulûn while the War of Three Peaks continues.