Quest:Chapter 4.4: Raiders in Tûm Rost

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Chapter 4.4: Raiders in Tûm Rost
Level 144
Type Solo
Starts with Hebron
Starts at Ost Arndír
Start Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [52.9S, 84.4W]
Ends with King Elessar
Ends at The Keep of Ost Arndir
End Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [52.9S, 84.4W]
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 4
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The Lady Nauriel prepares a response to deal with the Corsair raiders. Hurry now to her side, for there is little time to waste if we are to save the folk of Tûm Rost!'


Tûm Rost has been attacked by Corsair raiders, and now the folk of Pinnath Gelin must spring to its defence.

Objective 1

Nauriel is inside the main hall of the keep in Ost Arndír.

Hebron: 'The Lady Nauriel prepares a response to deal with the Corsair raiders. Hurry now to her side, for there is little time to waste if we are to save the folk of Tûm Rost!'
Nauriel: 'A number of Corsair ships have sailed in secret up the Hathollant river, and now they pillage the farms and villages of Tûm Rost. I will dispatch our soldiers at once. Are you with us, Elessar?'

Objective 2

King Elessar is inside the main hall of the keep in Ost Arndír.

Nauriel: 'I will dispatch our soldiers at once. Are you with us, Elessar?'
King Elessar: 'We will fight alongside you to defend the Green Hills, Nauriel. Count my warriors among your number!
'Are you prepared for this, <name>? Tell me when you are ready to depart for Tûm Rost.'

Objective 3

King Elessar hopes to bring his own fighters to join the defence of Tûm Rost against the Corsair raiders.

King Elessar: 'Then let us depart for Tûm Rost with all haste!'

Objective 4

  • Talk to Nauriel in the main hall of the keep of Ost Arndír

Nauriel is inside the main hall of the keep in Ost Arndír.

Nauriel: 'This outrage cannot stand! I will wage such war upon the Corsairs that they will not sail within sight of Gondor for a thousand years! I will call to arms every knight that has ever raised sword within Pinnath Gelin to follow me and rescue my son!'

Objective 5

  • Talk to King Elessar in Ost Arndír

King Elessar is inside the main hall of the keep of Ost Arndír.

Nauriel: 'I will slay every Corsair that thinks to keep my son from me!'
King Elessar: 'I think there is reason to believe the Corsairs will not harm Thorongil, Nauriel. They will see value in keeping him alive to use in a potential bargain with Gondor. If we act rashly we might endanger the boy's life; we must not risk that.
'I want to send someone to follow the ships. We must track them from shore, and see where they sail. It is not certain they will return directly to Umbar, and if they put in at a cove along the Langstrand we may be able to rescue Thorongil before he is brought back to the Kindred of the Coins.
'What say you, <name>? Are you prepared for a chase?'