Quest:Chapter 3.10: Enemies of Anfalas

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Chapter 3.10: Enemies of Anfalas
Level 143
Type Solo
Starts with King Elessar
Starts at The Keep of Lond Cirion
Start Region Anfalas
Map Ref [69.3S, 89.0W]
Ends with Caebar
Ends at Lond Cirion
End Region Anfalas
Map Ref [69.3S, 88.9W]
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 3
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Lady Marra's scouts patrol the lands hereabout in search of Corsair raiding parties, and I have offered to them the assistance of my travelling companions, many of whom are deadly with weapons of every sort. I count you in this number, <name>, and would greatly appreciate your aiding the scouts as they seek such foes as trouble Anfalas.

'The scouts have gone in three directions: to the north, the east, and to the south.'


King Elessar has offered the help of his companions in the defence of Anfalas, and that includes any assistance you can provide to Lady Marra's scouts.

Objective 1

Lady Marra's scouts can be found outside Lond Cirion to the north, east, and south.

King Elessar: 'Lady Marra's scouts patrol the lands hereabout in search of Corsair raiding parties, and I have offered to them the assistance of my travelling companions, many of whom are deadly with weapons of every sort. I count you in this number, <name>, and would greatly appreciate your aiding the scouts as they seek such foes as trouble Anfalas.
'The scouts have gone in three directions: to the north, east, and south.'
Borion: 'You are here to help oppose the enemies of Anfalas? I am pleased to hear it, for I surprised a number of Corsairs creeping about those rocks, and I believe they will soon return!'
Borion thanks you for the help
Borion says, "Thank you, my friend!"
Galleth: 'Corsairs sometimes try to approach Lond Cirion from this beach, so we must remain always vigilant.'
Galleth says, "What did I tell you? Corsairs approach!"
Galleth thanks you for the help
Galleth says, "You have the thanks of Lond Cirion, my friend!"
Gilvenel: 'Corsair scouts have been spotted inland, and we must always remain on our guard.'
Gilvenel says, "To speak it makes it so!"
Gilvenel thanks you for the help
Gilvenel says, "Always we oppose them! You have my thanks!"

Objective 2

  • Return to Lond Cirion to report of your successes

Now that you have aided the scouts, you should return to Lond Cirion.

Caebar calls you over to him. He seems worried

Objective 3

  • Talk to Caebar in the central yard of Lond Cirion

Caebar is in the central yard of Lond Cirion. He seems worried about something.

Caebar: 'Oh, I am glad you have returned, <name>. King Elessar asked for me to attend to some business about an hour from now, and I am consumed with worry about what it might be. I am trying not to be nervous, but it is... well, it is difficult.'