Bestowal Dialogue
Last Wishes of the Lord of Langstrand
"Today we are gathered to hear the last wishes of Golasgil, Lord of Anfalas, who fell in service of the kingdom."
King Elessar has called for the final testament of Golasgil, Lord of Anfalas, to be read aloud and his wishes carried out.
Objective 1
Caebar is in the study of Lond Cirion, where Golasgil's testament will be read.
- Caebar: 'We are here to witness the last wishes of Lord Golasgil, as written in his final testament? That is a relief, <name>! I was afraid I had done something wrong!'
- Caebar turns a bright shade of pink at the realization that he has spoken loudly in the quiet room.
- 'O hush now, Caebar!' he chides himself under his breath. 'This is a solemn occasion.'
Objective 2
- Listen to the reading of Golasgil's final wishes
King Elessar has commanded that Lord Golasgil's testament be read aloud and his wishes carried out.
- Coruchon says, "Lord Golasgil's last wishes should have been presented before now."
- Coruchon says, "Why wait so many months to reveal his wishes?"
- Marra says, "...I found them only today."
- Coruchon says, "Is that so? They were lost?"
- King Elessar says, "Bring them forth, Lady Marra, if you will."
- Coruchon says, "The seal is broken!"
- Coruchon says, "How are we to know the contents of this testaments are as Lord Golasgil intended?"
- Coruchon says, "Marra might have written anything within!"
Objective 3
- Examine the papers that contain Golasgil's final wishes
Lady Marra has produced her husband's final wishes and set them on the table.
- The seal on these papers has indeed been broken, which is unusual for such a document
Objective 4
- Stand ready in the event you will be of some use
King Elessar has suggested that his scribe Caebar may be able to ascertain the provenance of the handwriting contained in Golasgil's purported testament.
- King Elessar says, "My scribe has much skill and experience with the written word."
- King Elessar says, "He will tell uns if Golasgil wrote this testament."
- King Elessar says, "Caebar, will you examine the writing contained within, please?"
- Caebar says, "Oh... yes, of course... my King."
- Caebar says, "It is true the seal is broken, but..."
- Caebar says, "The letter within is written in only one hand."
- Coruchon says, "That proves nothing! Marra might have written or rewritten it in its entirety!"
- King Elessar says, "Lady Marra, can you produce a sample of your husband's writing for us?"
- Marra says, "I suppose there might be something within this chamber."
- King Elessar says, "<name>, my friend, find a sample of Golasgil's writing and show it to Caebar."
Objective 5
- Search the chamber for papers written in Golasgil's hand
The study of Lond Cirion may contain samples of Lord Golasgil's writing that can be used to prove he wrote the testament, and its provenance made secure.
- Possibly Golasgil's Notes: Were these notes written by Golasgil before his death? Possibly.
- Maybe Golasgil's Notes: Were these notes written by Golasgil before his death? Maybe.
- Perhaps Golasgil's Notes: Were these notes written by Golasgil before his death? Perhaps.
- Potentially Golasgil's Notes: Were these notes written by Golasgil before his death? Potentially.
- This parchment contains notes on the migratory patterns of sea-birds, but it is unsigned
- This page lists coins earned and spent, but could have been written by anyone
- A paper used as a bookmark has the notation 'Remember to buy fish,' but is unsigned
- Pages with the heading 'Notes on the Currents' is signed by Golasgil and contains musings on the subject
Objective 6
- Give Golasgil's notes on the currents to Caebar
Caebar is in the study of Lond Cirion, seeking to prove that Golasgil's testament was truly written by the Lord of Anfalas before his death in battle.
- Caebar: 'You found something written in Golasgil's hand? Aye, these notes are extensive, and see where he signed them, here at the bottom? He must have been very interested in the movement of the currents to have written so much! Let me compare the handwriting of these pages with his purported testament...'
Objective 7
- Listen to the reading of Golasgil's final wishes
You and Caebar have proven that both the testament and Golasgil's notes on the currents were written by the same person, and now the Lord of Anfalas's last wishes can be read aloud and carried out.
- Caebar says, "The handwriting matches perfectly!"
- King Elessar says, "Thank you, Caebar. Read us now the last wishes of Lord Golasgil, if you would."
- Caebar says, "Very well, my King."
- Caebar says, "I, Golasgil of Anfalas, make this record in the library of Lond Cirion, my home."
- Caebar says, "Tomorrow I depart for Minas Tirith at the command of the Steward Denethor."
- Caebar says, "Should I not return, this testament will direct the disposal of my land and property."
- For the better part of an hour, Caebar reads Golasgil's last wishes
- Caebar says, "...and to the fishing village of Melgobas I leave the same sum in gold."
- Caebar says, "I direct also that they be given my notes on water temperature and the currents."
- Caebar says, "The streams of Gondor all lead to the Sea, eventually..."
- Caebar says, "...but it seems to me that even the Bay of Belfalas has rivers on its own."
- Caebar says, "I have one more wish, and I hold it most dear."
- Caebar says, "To my son Orgolas I leave the great ship Falfaroth, the Wave-hunter."
- Caebar says, "May he command the Wave-hunter in service of Gondor, when he is old enough!"
- Caebar says, "I hope to stand alongside him on the deck when he does..."
- Caebar says, "...but if I cannot, may he follow in his father's footsteps all the same."
- Caebar says, "To my dear wife Marra I leave my love and all remaining lands and titles I possess."
- Caebar says, "May she rule Anfalas well and wisely until our son and my heir Orgolas come of age."
- Caebar says, "That is the end."
- King Elessar says, "Thank you, Caebar."
- King Elessar says, "As King of Gondor, I command that these wishes of loyal Golasgil be carried out as best they may."
Objective 8
King Elessar is in the study of Lond Cirion.
- King Elessar: 'Thank you for your part in this, <name>. I am glad to have heard Golasgil's wishes, for now we can see that they will be carried out. He was a good friend and a worthy soldier, and I want to honour his directives.
- 'There is still a question I want answered, but it is of a sensitive nature and I will first allow the audience to disperse. We will speak with the Lady Marra about this last question when we can do so without too many ears nearby to hear.'