Bestowal Dialogue
'My father's reinforcements from the Lonely Mountain have brought their own weapons, but those will not be enough if we are to truly assault Gundabad. Can I ask you to climb these stairs and find the armoury in the Skarháld keep? Bring back some of the swords and axes that are stored there, and we can better supply this fighting force.'
Reinvigourated by the arrival of the Longbeard reinforcements from the Lonely Mountain, Durin wished to prepare for an assault upon Gundabad, the Mountain-home of Durin's Folk.
Objective 1
- Collect weapons from the western armoury up the stairs inside the Skarháld keep
The western armoury is up the stairs inside the Skarháld keep.
- The armoury has been picked clean of weapons by persons unknown
Objective 2
- Collect weapons from the eastern armoury inside the Skarháld keep
The first armoury was empty of weapons. Perhaps some implements of war remain in the other armoury on the eastern side of the Skarháld keep.
- This armoury has also been emptied of weapons. Tomókh calls you to him
Objective 3
Tomókh has called for your attention inside the eastern armoury inside the Skarháld keep.
- Tomókh: 'You are looking for weapons? You will find none here. Several parties of my people armed themselves with swords and axes from the armouries here and set out into the mountain in search of the remaining drakes of the Frost-horde. It is a proud tradition of the Zhélruka to hunt such creatures... but I might have advised against it if I had know an army of Longbeards was soon to arrive!
- 'Tell the Longbeard prince that if he wants those weapons he will have to wait for my Zhélruka brothers to return victorious from their hunt.'
Objective 4
Durin is waiting by the Skarháld stable-master for you to return with weapons from the armouries.
- Durin: 'Some of the Zhélruka have gone into the mountains to hunt the remaining drakes of the Frost-horde? I would say to let them go, and good riddance, but we need those weapons!
- 'You had better go after them, <name>, and save them from their own foolishness. I want them alive so they can hear my reprimands, but more importantly I want the weapons the stole. I have spoken with some of the reinforcements from the Lonely Mountain, and many of their weapons are of poor quality, damaged either from disuse or entirely too much use; there is no middle ground.
- 'Find the Zhélruka hunting-parties outside Skarháld and bring back those weapons!'
- You hear a horn blowing in the distance east of Skarháld, but it ends abruptly
Objective 5
One of the Zhélruka hunting parties went to the east of Skarháld.
- The Zhélruka cheer in victory
Objective 6
One of the Zhélruka hunting parties went east of Skarháld.
- Zhélruka Hunter: 'Thank you for your help, friend. We will return to Skarháld, but there was another party of drake-hunters with us, and they have not yet come back. We heard their horn blowing some time ago, but it stopped abruptly.
- 'They continued on to the north-east, if you wish to search in that direction.'
Objective 7
- Find the second Zhélruka hunting-party somewhere to the north-east
The second Zhélruka hunting-party continued their hunt to the north-east of the first.
- You found the second Zhélruka hunting-party, but they are already slain
Objective 8
- Collect the abandoned weapons from the slain hunting-party (0/4)
The second Zhélruka hunting-party ran afoul of the drakes they sought, and now you should collect the weapons they took from Skarháld.
- Collected abandoned weapons (4/4)
Objective 9
- Return the "borrowed" weapons to Durin at the stable-master in Skarháld
Durin is waiting by the stable-master in Skarháld for you to return with the weapons the Zhélruka "borrowed".
- Durin: 'Thank you for these, <name>. My Longbeards are going to need every weapon on which they can get their hands, and I do not appreciate these Zhélruka raiding the armouries without notice. That practice must end, or they will face my wrath and that of my Longbeards.
- 'But there is trouble brewing in Skarháld, and I need my most trusted <class> to help deal with it before the situation gets worse.'