Quest:Bounty: Clearing Rat Nests

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Bounty: Clearing Rat Nests
Level 150
Type Small Fellowship
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Bounty Board
Start Region Dil-irmíz
Map Ref [121.4S, 143.6W]
Ends with Zûfan
Ends at Jadambor
End Region Dil-irmíz
Map Ref [121.4S, 143.6W]
Quest Group Defending the Umbar-môkh
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Rats are ruining our food stores. We are in desperate need of someone to stop them. We have located three nests in the area near Jadambor. One to the north, one to the east, and one to the south. Destroy these nests and report back to Zûfan here in Jadambor for a reward.


A bounty has been posted to clear out rat nests in the area.

Objective 1

  • Destroy the northern rat nest in western Dil-irmíz
  • Destroy the eastern rat nest in western Dil-irmíz
  • Destroy the southern rat nest in western Dil-irmíz

You accepted a bounty notice asking you to clear out rat nests in the area. There is one to the north, one to the east, and one to the south of Jadambor.

Destroyed the northern rat nest
Destroyed the eastern rat nest
Destroyed the southern rat nest

Objective 2

  • Inform Zûfan in Jadambor that the nests have been destroyed

Inform Zûfan in Jadambor that the nests have been destroyed.

Zûfan: You inform Zûfan about the completed bounty.
'Glad to hear that from you. The people down here will be as relieved as I to hear that we will finally get some relief from those creatures destroying our stores of supplies. For the moment at least.
'Be sure to check the board for more requests, we need all the help we can get down here.'