Assault on Dhúrstrok
"High among the catwalks of Deepscrave lies Dhúrstrok, the stronghold of Gorgar the Ruthless. Somewhere within these ageing halls filled with dwarf-relics, Gorgar's loyal generals have imprisoned Lord Náin. It is up to you to free him."
High among the catwalks of Deepscrave lies Dhúrstrok, the stronghold of Gorgar the Ruthless. Somewhere within these ageing halls filled with dwarf-relics, Gorgar's loyal generals have imprisoned Lord Náin. It is up to you to free him.
Objective 1
- Pick up the summoning horn
You have found Dhúrstrok, Gorgar's stronghold.
You should pick up the summoning horn to call Múta to your side.
- Use the summoning horn to call Múta
Objective 2
You should find Náin's location.
If you need assistance, use the Call Múta still to call Múta to your side. If you lose access to this skill, pick up the summoning horn at the instance entrance.
- Múta says, "This place is... incredible. What was it like before Gundabad was lost?"
- Múta says, "With luck, we'll live to see what we can create from these ruins."
- Múta says, "Clear the path forward. Lord Náin has to be somewhere here."
- Múta says, "Look! Over there -- it's him!"
- Múta says, "This must be the locked gate Shúkurz was talking about."
- Múta says, "Let's hunt down the generals and take their keys -- with haste!"
Objective 3
Náin is trapped behind a locked gate.
Gorgar's generals, Gâdh-and-Shum and Mozrúk the Wind-rider, hold the keys.
If you need assistance, use the Call Múta still to call Múta to your side. If you lose access to this skill, pick up the summoning horn at the instance entrance.
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "Who are you? Have you come for my books?"
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "New friends?"
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "My books!"
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "Let shadows pool."
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "Shadows take you."
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "My turn!"
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "Let me try!"
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "Shum, no! Oof!"
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "Make books fly!"
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "Goblin friends!"
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "Fine! Fine! Together now! We talk later!"
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "No! I have worked too hard! This is your fault!"
- Gâdh-and-Shum says, "Gâdh mad? Hmm, Shum take nap."
- Defeated Gâdh-and-Shum
- Múta says, "One key found. One more to go."
- Mozrúk the Wind-rider says, "Would you look at that, Shaikmuz? A stay of execution for that old dwarf!"
- Mozrúk the Wind-rider says, "Don't worry, you'll all be joining him soon enough!"
- Mozrúk the Wind-rider says, "Fry to a crisp!"
- Mozrúk the Wind-rider says, "Death from above!"
- Mozrúk the Wind-rider says, "Stick around, won't you?"
- Mozrúk the Wind-rider says, "Shaikmuz? Where are you going?!"
- Mozrúk the Wind-rider says, "AAAGH!"
- Mozrúk says, "Worthless! Weak!"
- Mozrúk says, "Fry to a crisp!"
- Mozrúk says, "Make them bleed!"
- Mozrúk says, "Death from above!"
- Mozrúk says, "Gundabad... is... ours..."
- Defeated Mozrúk the Wind-rider
- Múta says, "That's both of the keys! Let's hurry back."
Objective 4
You have obtained the keys needed to free Náin.
You should return to the gate to unlock and open it.
If you need assistance, use the Call Múta still to call Múta to your side. If you lose access to this skill, pick up the summoning horn at the instance entrance.
Objective 5
You have unlocked and opened the gate to Náin's prison.
You should approach him to make sure he has not suffered grave injuries.
If you need assistance, use the Call Múta still to call Múta to your side. If you lose access to this skill, pick up the summoning horn at the instance entrance.
- Múta says, "Lord Náin!"
- Múta says, "He's barely moving..."
Objective 6
Múta has something to say.
If you need assistance, use the Call Múta still to call Múta to your side. If you lose access to this skill, pick up the summoning horn at the instance entrance.
- Múta: 'His beard... it's gone... The Black Mattock is gone too. I'd wager it's been stolen, or worse, destroyed.
- 'We can't linger here to exact revenge upon Gorgar; we must return to Aslíf. Lord Náin's injuries do not seem grave, but he has lost much.
- 'Quickly now.'