Quest:All for Some Greens

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All for Some Greens
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Stolen Vegetables
Starts at Hárba's Camp
Start Region Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [82.4S, 29.6W]
Ends with Annaben
Ends at Glaniath
End Region Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [80.7S, 29.5W]
Quest Group Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

This sack contains fresh vegetables that must have been harvested very recently. However, would the Corsairs have easy access to a farm? It's more likely that they stole the vegetables.

The farming community of Glaniath lies north of this Corsair camp; perhaps you can find the rightful owner there.


How did the Corsairs obtain such fresh vegetables?

Objective 1

You have found a sack of vegetables that were stolen by Corsairs at Hárba's Camp.

You should venture north to Glaniath to see if you can return these vegetables to their rightful owner.

Objective 2

Annaben in Glaniath seems to be in the process of transporting sacks full of vegetables. The sack you found in Hárba's Camp may have belonged to her.

You should talk to her.

Annaben: 'My, what a surprise! Those Corsairs forced me into handing over several sacks of Glaniath's harvest. We can't recover everything, but I daresay your actions may have caused them to think twice about doing so again!'