Quest:A Vile Infestation

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A Vile Infestation
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Guard Captain Nûru
Starts at Mekab-kuphâr
Start Region Khabârkhad
Map Ref [119.7S, 140.1W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Khabârkhad, the Crypts
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You look quite capable. We have need of some assistance, if you're willing.

'North of here is an encampment of monstrous spiders. Their numbers are growing, their brood multiplying in the dark with no Man or dwarf to pare them back. Their reach has expanded to the point they've been attacking my patrols here in the southern crypts.

'Please, we need their numbers thinned, before more of my Temámir fall to these terrible beasts. Will you help us?'


You've been asked to cull the number of spiders to the north of Mekab-kuphâr, in Nishabêt.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Khabârkhad spiders (0/12)

North of Mekab-kuphâr there is an area infested with spiders. You've been asked to thin their number, lest they over-run Khabârkhad and spill out into greater Umbar-môkh.

Defeated Khabârkhad spiders (12/12)

Objective #2

  • Return to the Temámir Guard Captain Nûru

Return to the Temámir Guard Captain Nûru in Mekab-kuphâr, the Temámir outpost in the southern Khabârkhad.

Guard Captain Nûru: 'I am grateful. If those spiders got any closer, they might over-run our encampment. You've assured the safety of many Temámir this day.'