Quest:A Terrible Foundation

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A Terrible Foundation
Level 148
Type Solo
Starts with Phenâsh
Starts at Shrine of He-Who-Sees-All
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [18.6S, 98.8W]
Quest Group Umbar Baharbêl
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You there! Interested in earning a tâm or three?

'You see this ruin here? I bought the land it stands on from the Kindred of the Coins, and I'd like to begin new construction as soon as I can. Alas, I have been trying to demolish this old shrine for nearly a week now, but my labourers keep walking out on their work. It's haunted, they say, as if such a thing could be true! How absurd!

'I've been here for nearly an hour now, and I've seen nothing of the sort. If you'd clear some of this rubble and help prove me right, I'll see to it that you receive a fitting reward.'


After purchasing the deed to the land upon which it sits from the Kindred of the Coins, Phenâsh hopes to demolish the ruins of the Shrine of He-Who-Sees-All in the Sail-haven.

Objective 1

  • Destroy rubble at the Shrine of He-Who-Sees-All (0/8)

Rubble can be found at the ruined Shrine of He-Who-Sees-All in the Sail-haven of Umbar Baharbêl.

Phenâsh has asked you to help clear the rubble at the ruined Shrine of He-Who-Sees-All.

Destroyed rubble at the Shrine of He-Who-Sees-All (8/8)

Objective 2

  • Talk to Phenâsh at the Shrine of He-Who-Sees-All

Phenâsh can be found at the ruined Shrine of He-Who-Sees-All in the Sail-haven of Umbar Baharbêl.

You attempted to destroy the rubble at the Shrine of He-Who-Sees-All, but you were attacked by several frothing shrine-spirits. You should talk to Phenâsh.

Phenâsh: 'No, do not speak. You do not need to tell me I was mistaken, <name>. I saw those terrible things with my own eyes!'
Phenâsh covers his face with his hands, and sighs.
'I should have known, <name>. Why else would they have sold this land for such a meagre price?'