Quest:A Softer Future

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The Mystery Supplier
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Asórkho
Starts at Boar Wallow
Start Region Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [80.9S, 25.3W]
Ends with Irodon
Ends at Halach
End Region Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [81.9S, 26.4W]
Quest Group Upper Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You found me in the middle of preparing meat from a previous hunt. I came here for more fresh meat, but I confess that hunting tires me quickly, and I am at my limit today.

'If you wish to help, could you hunt some of the boars here?'


Asórkho regrets his actions during the war.

Objective 1

Asórkho has asked you to hunt some more boars for fresh meat.

You can find boars in the boar wallow north-east of Halach.

Objective 2

You have obtained a good amount of fresh boar meat.

You should return and talk to Asórkho near the boar wallow.

Asórkho: 'A mighty hunter, you are. I shall take this fresh meat to preserve for another delivery. If you intend on returning to the townspeople, please give them these meats I have finished preparing.
'I expect they are waiting for your answer to their question. It is... a difficult situation. If you must give them an answer, I would ask that you keep my homeland a secret. I am loath to show my face, for more reasons than just shame, but... I only want to be kind. I hope they will understand. And perhaps I will reveal myself, in time.'

Objective 3

Asórkho has given you preserved meat to give to the townsfolk of Halach, and asked you to keep his identity a secret.

You should return to Irodon in Halach.

Irodon: 'A harmless person who wishes to stay a secret for now? I admit that, had anyone else told me this, I would've grown warier. But your words hold weight here. I trust you.
'May this person find the courage to come forth one day. I'd like to thank them for all they've done.'