Quest:A Master of Oak, Not Of Orc

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A Master of Oak, Not Of Orc
Level 16
Type Solo
Starts with Woodcutter Huel
Starts at Tharbad
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [57.2S, 37.4W]
Ends with Woodcutter Huel
Ends at Tharbad
End Region Cardolan
Map Ref [57.2S, 37.4W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I am a woodcutter, friend, not a fighter! When I encountered Orcs within the flooded city, I ran! It is without shame that I tell you I dropped my axe, though I need it for my livelihood. Do you think you could repay the Orcs for this insult, and recover my axe at the same time?'


Woodcutter Huel fled from the Orcs that dwell now within Tharbad, and in his fright he left his axe behind.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Orcs in Tharbad (0/10)
  • Find Huel's missing axe somewhere in Tharbad

Huel asked you to defeat some of the Orcs that prowl now within Tharbad, and to recover the axe he left behind if you can find it.

This must be Huel's missing axe

Objective 2

Woodcutter Huel is just inside the southern entrance of Tharbad.

Woodcutter Huel: 'Ah, there's my axe! What would I have done without...
'Hold on a moment. This is not my axe! This axe is completely different!'