Quartermaster (Facepainting)

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Quartermaster (Facepainting)
Image of Quartermaster (Facepainting)
Title Hobnanigans Barterer
Gender Male
Race Hobbit
Region Bree
Area The Horsefields
Map Ref [25.7S, 51.9W]


Quartermaster (Facepainting) is, during the Hobnanigans event, a barter vendor found at the Horsefields, in Bree-land. These consumable items last for 1 hour.


Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Facepaint Stencil - Flower 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Butterfly 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Bee 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Feather 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Star 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Sword 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Bow 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Pipe 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
