Premium Wallet Upgrade

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Premium Wallet Upgrade

Purchasing this offer will allow you to move ALL bound to account barter items from your inventory and shared storage into the wallet permanently, thus freeing up space for other uses. This includes:

  • instance and skirmish tokens
  • region barter tokens
  • festival tokens
  • taxidermy barter items
  • legendary item barter tokens
  • crafting instance tokens
  • crafted runic barter items

NOTE: barter currencies which are not bound at all, either to character or account, will not move to the wallet. This includes Dol Amroth Gold/Silver tokens, which are only used for barter, as well as some "multi-purpose" items, such as Barrow-treasure which can be either consumed for reputation, or used as currency for barter.

This offer applies to all newly created characters and must only be purchased once.

Level Classes Uses Quantity Normal Price (in LP)
All All 1 Account 995 LOTRO Point 


An example of a premium wallet with landscape barter items in it.

Any barter items within your inventory will automatically be moved to your wallet, whereas any barter items in your bank will need to be moved to your inventory first; upon doing so, they will then automatically move to your wallet.

See Also

Wallet has a more detailed description of the differences between the basic wallet and the enhanced version.